build a better website seminar

Wednesday 12 February, 2PM, The Enterprise Centre, 291-305 Lytham Rd, FY4 1EW
Don’t miss this FREE Fylde Coast Resilience event featuring Ed Christiano from Deeper Blue Marketing and Design. Discover powerful tools for promotion as he shares decades of marketing expertise from both private and public sectors, providing a fascinating look into various online marketing techniques. A portion of the presentation will be geared to towards Attracting Google Users to targeted websites, often called SEO (search engine optimisation). Other topics will include Options for Selling Online, Keeping Your Website Secure, Choosing the Right Publishing Platform and Benefits of Keeping Your Website Updated. The seminar is aimed at those who have very little experience and to those who’ve had a lot. Places are limited so you must register to attend.
FCR meetings from 1-3pm
Fylde Coast Resilience is focused on making a difference in the region by bringing the VCFSE as well as the private and public sectors together to provide knowledge, information and support to businesses and organisations, helping them to make positive, powerful connections though the expertise of others within their community. We also welcome would-be and established entrepreneurs that are looking to start a new business or community organisation.

Unlike traditional ‘networking’ groups, we don’t have time-consuming presentation agendas that prevent attendees from talking with each other. Tell any of us in the organising team what you need and we’ll see if we can help you by making useful introductions, hopefully right there at one of our meetings. We don’t expect referrals, set targets or make any demands from attendees. Together we intend to support our community, re-shape business and create sustainable, successful futures for us all. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, contact us today and we’ll let you have full details of our events calendar.
Our networking group is open to EVERYONE, but especially:
- • VCFSE (3rd sector) professionals
- • Public sector representatives
- • Non-profit orgs, CICs, faith groups, charities, etc.
- • Entrepreneurs
- • Small business owners
- • Business startups
- • All other ‘community oriented’ volunteer groups and individuals.